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Canceled – Siuslaw PlayShop Art Exhibition

Siuslaw River Mapleton.jpg
Photo by Dale Honning (Cropped image)
Siuslaw River, Mapleton
Unfortunately, the Art Show for this year has been canceled, as we didn't have enough community interest.

Art must be outdoor-themed; specifically relating to the outdoors in the Siuslaw area or made out of doors such as plein air work, adventure photography, etc... for people to enjoy and have the opportunity to purchase at the event.


  • There is no fee to participate.

  • Work must be your own original 2D art. We are unable to accommodate 3D art at this time.

  • Must be show ready (clean, odor free with wire hanger [no saw tooth hangers]).

  • All work must be family friendly.

  • Works must be under 24 inches on any side when framed or unframed Studio to Gallery wrapped canvases with appropriate write hangers.

  • All works must be for sale and list a sale price clearly written/posted on the back with Artist's name & contact information.

  • Gallery Tags will be provided at event with the Art and Artist information provided via the Google Form posted above.

Siuslaw PlayShop: Let's Paddle and Go Hiking

Florence Arts, Entertainment & Culture (FACE)

Fine Art Materials
& Gallery

If you are interested in participating in the Siuslaw PlayShop Art Exhibition, complete this Google Form:


Please submit your information using the Google Form linked above so we can process your entry and provide an incredible show during the Suislaw PlayShop Event.


2D Art submitted with the criteria listed above will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. The number of artworks accepted will depend on the size of the artworks and the art hanging space available.


Images requested of your art will be featured in event promotion and digitally displayed at event.


The Florence Arts Culture and Entertainment (FACE)'s FEC Gallery Committee has a Consignment Agreement. A paper copy form must be signed when submitting your art to this show. Please note FACE takes a 25% of the sale price to support the Gallery Program.  The consignment agreement can be printed here and brought day of PlayShop or one will be provided when dropping your artwork at the PlayShop:


Important Information: [Day of event]

Art Drop Off: 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. 

Event: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Art Pick Up: 4 p.m. or earlier

Photo by Dale Honning - Tahkenitch Lake
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Questions? Call Florence Oregon Area Kayakers: 541-991-9080


©2024 by Siuslaw PlayShop, Florence, Oregon

Webmaster Bev Scott

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