About Siuslaw PlayShop
Photo by Bev Scott
Annice Falls, Sweet Creek Trail
Not Your Ordinary Workshop
Explore Waterways and Trails on the Central Oregon Coast
Siuslaw PlayShop is NOT an ordinary workshop. It’s for those who love to PLAY and explore waterways and trails on the Central Oregon Coast. Join us Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to learn about our unique area, participate in hiking and/or paddle sessions, and connect with others who share your enthusiasm with the outdoors.
Whether you are an experienced explorer or just starting out, we have something for everyone. Come PLAY with us!
If you have questions about Siuslaw PlayShop, call Florence Oregon Area Kayakers at 541-991-9080.
Photo by Bev Scott - Munsel Lake, Florence
Siuslaw Vision partnered with community group Florence Oregon Area Kayakers (FOAK) to bring Let’s Paddle and Go Hiking Siuslaw Playshop to the Florence Events Center on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
Siuslaw Playshop’s goals are to:
Educate and inspire local residents and visitors to explore our many waters and trails;
Connect with each other while learning and exploring;
Inspire locals and visitors to not just drive by these waterways and trails, but to explore beyond the highway; and
Encourage visitors to make the most of their stay. (The fishermen and the sand-duners know of our riches … FOAK wants to make sure locals and visitors know of our numerous lakes, river trails, and hiking expeditions.)
We believe the event will lead to improved health of our community members, increased appreciation of our natural areas, and better relationships and connections among people who participate.
FOAK is a community group of 1,100 paddlers from the Siuslaw region and other Oregon communities that connect through Facebook. FOAK encourages and promotes kayaking activities at our numerous waterways. They plan community paddles year-round, and during the summer months, plan monthly raft-ups and a 10 Days on 10 Waters adventure. The group has organized well-attended annual workshops and invited prominent paddlers as speakers at various events for the last few years.
Siuslaw Vision’s mission is “building a better Siuslaw community together” and we specialize in connecting and celebrating our region’s people, so Siuslaw Vision is serving a central role in weaving celebrations of our region’s natural resources and the people who help keep them healthy, and helping participants connect with each other for conversations and activity planning.
FOAK’s last education event in 2023 exceeded the capacity of the Siuslaw Public Library’s meeting room, so this event at the Florence Events Center will allow more community members and visitors to attend. We estimate that the event could attract up to 400 people, including hikers, paddlers, artists, birders, and geocachers. Vendors and nonprofits will be invited to provide information tables and gear displays.