Photo by Patti Godwin
Muriel O. Ponsler Memorial Lookout
Play Plan
7:30 Exhibitors & Art Install
9:00 Doors Open, Visit Exhibitors, Family/Child Check-In
$2.00 Entry Fee (Cash only)
First 300 Siuslaw PlayShop participants to check-in will receive a free lunch!
9:30 Opening Session in Theater
Introduction: Kim Miller
Land and Water Acknowledgement
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians: Patricia Whereat Phillips and Chief Doug Barrett
People-Powered Recreation at Honeyman State Park, Patrick Dill, Park Ranger
Program Overview: Hiking and Paddling Presentations
Opening Summation and Directions: Kim Miller
10:30 Visit Exhibitors

Photo by Bev Scott
Siuslaw River South Slough
Session Tracks
11:00 Where to Hike Next? Resources for Hikers
11:30 Amanda Trail Story
12:00 Hiking the Dunes
12:30 Lunch Discussions, Exhibitors, & Art Display
1:45 Trail Keepers of Oregon: Volunteer Trail Maintenance Opportunities & Pet and Leave-No-Trail Etiquette
2:15 Forest Service Trails, Local and Cape Perpetua Area
Julia Johanos, USFS Interpretive Ranger
3:00 Wrap-Up Session
11:00 Kayak 101: Essential Tips for Beginners
Tommy Swearingen, Willamette Kayak and Canoe Club
11:30 Transporting Kayaks
Chance Rey, Oregon Paddle Sports
12:00 Canoe Culture
Jesse Beers, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
12:30 Lunch Discussions, Exhibitors, & Art Display
1:45 What is SUP?
Panel (Standup and Sit-Down Paddleboarders): Annette Chihorek, Donna Hendrickson, and Jay Guettler. MC: Jennifer Yocum
2:15 Where to Paddle?
Patti Godwin, Florence Oregon Area Kayakers
3:00 Wrap-Up Session